Young Adults


Let's admit it: being a young adult is hard. There are many choices, less money, and more pressure from more sources than ever before. It's hard to navigate it all.

The Young Adult group at Salem aims to be a consistent and stable community where young adults can come together each week to hang out, have a small Bible study, and have a time where we can be open and transparent in gendered small groups for the sake of confession and accountability, ‘cause let's be honest—we all need some of that.


The Young Adult Ministry is intended for young adults ages 18*–29ish, regardless of marital or employment status. We don't have a hard age cap on the top end, but we do encourage people who are starting into their 30s to consider starting a small group of their own.

*To keep age cohorts together, 18-year-olds are encouraged to attend Remedy (youth group) until the summer after they turn 18, when they have (or would have) graduated high school.

Time & Location

Salem Covenant Church - Remedy Room - 5:30-7:30pm

Childcare provided. If you're new to Salem, please reach out so we can be prepared for your children.

The first Sunday of each month is our “Feast and Worship” night. If you are able, please bring a small side of food to share with everyone.